
The initial workshop in the organization of the project “EU support to the river basin management in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was held in Sarajevo. This project, financed by the European Union in the amount of 1.125,000 EUR, should accelerate the necessary reforms in the water sector in BiH.

Harmonizing the methodology for managing river basins in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of efficient planning of river basin management in accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive are the key tasks that this project, together with the user institutions in BiH, will carry out in the next 18 months.

The workshop was an opportunity to familiarize the participants in this project with the basic activities for achieving four key results, which relate to the harmonization of the methodology for managing river basins in BiH for the planning period 2028-2033, the upgrading of the water monitoring system and water information systems, and strengthening of capacities for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and regular updating of river basin management plans in BiH.

The European Union Water Framework Directive is a key document for water management in the European Union that establishes a legal framework for the protection and improvement of the status of all aquatic ecosystems and ensures the long-term sustainable management of water resources.

The project “EU Support to the River Basin Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina” is implemented by consortium led by NIRAS, in cooperation with ENOVA and DAI.

River basin management plans in BiH