EU Support to the River Basin Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • +387 33 834 059



|  The purpose of this project is primarily to accelerate water sector reforms in BiH through the update of the technical baseline documents aimed at effective river basin management planning and implementation of EU WFD in BiH.
Results to be achieved
Result 1

| The existing RBM plans in BiH are reviewed and new, harmonised RBM methodologies related to the RBM plans for the planning period 2028-2033 are prepared.

Result 2

| The existing water monitoring systems are appraised and all necessary improvements are identified.

Result 3

| Water Information System is upgraded.

Result 4

| Capacity Building Programme related to the implementation of the EU WFD and regular updates of the RBM plans in BiH are prepared.


The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has been the main law for water protection in Europe. It applies to inland, transitional and coastal surface waters as well as groundwaters. It ensures an integrated approach to water management, respecting the integrity of whole ecosystems, including by regulating individual pollutants and setting corresponding regulatory standards. It is based on a river basin district approach to make sure that neighbouring countries manage the rivers and other bodies of water they share. The key objectives of the WFD are set out in Article 4 of the Directive. It requires Member States to use their River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) and Programmes of Measures (PoMs) to protect and, where necessary, restore water bodies in order to reach good status, and to prevent deterioration. River Basin Management Plans are the key tools for implementing the WFD.


Project “EU Support to the River Basin Management in BiH”, funded by the European Union in the amount of 1,125,000 EUR under the Instrument for Pre/Accession Assistance (IPA), aims to accelerate the much/needed reform of the water sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Harmonizing the methodologies for preparing River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs), in line with the EU Water Framework Directive in Bosnia and Herzegovina, are the key tasks that this project, together with beneficiary institutions in BiH, will carry out in the next 18 months.

The overall objective of the project is as follows:

to support environmental protection and facilitate sustainable water resources management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).


The purpose of this project is primarily to accelerate water sector reforms in BiH through the update of the technical baseline documents aimed at effective river basin management planning and implementation of EU WFD in BiH.

The EU Water Framework Directive

Source: European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, The EU Water Framework Directive, Publications Office, 2014


River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) represent a requirement of the EU Water Framework Directive adopted in 2000. The Directive requires member states to strive to achieve at least good status in each water body within their river basin districts. It is an obligation of each member state to produce a plan for each of the river basin districts within its territory. River Basin Management Plans promote an integrated approach to the protection, improvement and sustainable management of the water environment.

In line with the EU Water Framework Directive, stipulating a requirement for River Basin Management Plans, and as transposed into the Water Laws in place, entities and Brcko District of BiH have the obligation to prepare River Basin Management Plans in BiH.

Add Your Tooltip Text Here
RBMP for the BD BiH
RBMP for the Adriatic Sea Watershed in the FBiH
RBMP for the Sava River Watershed in FBiH
RBMP for Sava River Basin District in RS
RBMP for Trebišnjica River Basin District in RS


The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that a sufficient quantity of good-quality water is available for both people’s needs and the environment.  The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires EU Member States to achieve good status in all bodies of surface water and groundwater by 2027. Good status is comprised of four assessments: > Ecological status of surface waters > Chemical status of surface waters > Chemical status of groundwaters > Quantitative status of groundwaters Achieving good status involves meeting certain standards for the ecology, chemistry and quantity of waters. The Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC) and Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/105/EC), both set additional groundwater and priority substance standards relevant for assessments of the Water Framework Directive. > Technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status, DIRECTIVE 2009/90/EC > DIRECTIVE 2013/39/EU, amending Directives 2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC.

As stated in the 2022 EC Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 Report on Chapter 27 – Environment and climate change, “a consistent and harmonised countrywide strategy and sustainable investment plan on water management and urban waste water management is still missing. Specific plans for implementing EU legislation on drinking water, urban waste water and flood risk management still need to be adopted. A roof report for Bosnia and Herzegovina, on river basin management plans still needs to be adopted, as well as a revised action plan for flood protection and river management. Flood hazards and risks are being mapped for the entire country.”

So far, within the IPA support, the EU has provided more than 130 MEUR for the development of the environment sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Out of this amount, close to 90 MEUR was invested in water management sector: over 80 MEUR in infrastructure and close to 10 MEUR for the capacity building assistance.

The WFD is complemented by other, more specific, EU Directives:

  • The Environmental Quality Standards Directive (2008)

  • The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008)

  • The Floods Directive (2007)

  • The Groundwater Directive (2006)

  • The Bathing Water Directive (2006)

  • The Drinking Water Directive (1998)

  • The Urban Wastewater Directive (1991)

  • The Nitrates Directive (1991)

The Environmental Quality Standards Directive

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive

The Floods Directive

The Groundwater Directive

The Bathing Water Directive

The Drinking Water Directive

The Urban Wastewater Directive

The Nitrates


have been provided within the IPA support for the development of the environment sector
in Bosnia and Herzegovina


90 MEUR was invested in the water sector


80 MEUR was invested in the water infrastructure


10 MEUR was invested towards capacity building assistance


Fifth River Basin Management and Monitoring Expert Working Groups (RBM + MON EWG) meeting organised in Tarcin on 27th March 2024
News, Novosti

  The two EWGs convened to discuss activities related to Task 1, including the Action Plan, Task 2 regarding the RBM Planning Guide, and the Draft Report pertaining to Task 3, which focuses on monitoring issues. Members of both EWGs and the project team jointly established deadlines for submitting comments, suggestions, and revisions of the […]

Fourth Project Training on Article 4 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Principles and Approaches for RBM Planning, held in Tarcin on 26th March 2024
News, Novosti

During this training session, relevant issues and questions concerning the application of Article 4 of the WFD were thoroughly addressed. The primary focus was on exemptions, such as extensions of deadlines or less stringent objectives, and the necessary conditions for granting them. Approaches to assessing disproportionality were also discussed, along with finding solutions to various […]

Third Water Information System Expert Working Group (WIS EWG)
News, Novosti

  Third Water Information System Expert Working Group (WIS EWG) meeting organised in Tarcin on 30 November 2023 Organized back to back to the 2nd Training on Reporting to the EU under the WFD, due to the strong synergies between the reporting schemes and WIS, the 3rd Water Information System Expert Working Group held its […]


This website has been prepared within the project „EU Support to the River Basin Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by NIRAS, in cooperation with ENOVA and DAI. The contents of this website is the sole responsibility of the consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

La Benevolencija 8
71 000 Sarajevo
+387 33 834 059