
Every year, World Water Day (22 March) raises awareness and inspires action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. World Water Day 2023 asks people to “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Using an ancient story from the Quechua people in Peru, of a hummingbird who carries drops of water to put out a great forest fire, the campaign encourages people to do what they can to help solve the water and sanitation crisis.

The actions you take, no matter how small, will help solve the water crisis.


The three most popular actions:

  • Save water: Take shorter showers and don’t let the tap run when brushing my teeth, doing dishes and preparing food!
  • Stop polluting: Don’t put food waste, oils, medicines and chemicals down my toilet or drains!
  • Eat local: Buy local, seasonal food and look for products made with less water!

Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6 or Global Goal 6) is about “clean water and sanitation for all”. It is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

According to UN Water figures:

89% of the population in BiH uses a safely managed drinking water service

40% of the population in BiH uses a safely managed sanitation service

53% is the degree of implementation of integrated water resources management in BiH

River basin management plans in BiH